renting with dunedin property management

Renting a home through Dunedin Property Management has a process. Firstly, we require you to complete an application form for the property. In doing so you are allowing us to undertake certain checks. These include reference, income, credit, and personal checks. Secondly, we weigh up all the elements of your application in competition with other applicants. If you are successful, then you are required to sign a tenancy agreement and pay the required rent & bond in advance.

As a guide for affordability, we don’t recommend renting a place that costs more than 35-40% of your take home income. For example, if you make on $55,000 per year, then your weekly take home pay after tax & kiwisaver is about $800 per week. Based on our calculations your individual rent contribution should’t be more than about $300 per week.

For more information on renting we recommend downloading the Renting and You Guide from Tenancy services.

Download the New Tenant Guide

Once you have signed a tenancy agreement with Dunedin Property Management you will need to download and read our New Tenant Guide. This sets out our expectations of you through the tenancy period.