Choosing the right property manager

Rueben Skipper - Founder

Rueben Skipper - Founder

We are local & we care

We pride ourselves on treating each person with respect and kindness regardless of their station in life. Dunedin (and New Zealand) is too small to treat people badly and life is too short and too precious.


We are Dunedin locals who have lived and worked in Dunedin for over 40 years. By choice! We love it here. As such, from Pinehill in the North, to St Clair in the south, or Mosgiel inland to the west, we understand the Dunedin rental market intimately. We manage many properties across this fine city. Whether you’re a local with one property or if you live out of town and invest in the student area, we can help.

expertise in property management

Once upon a time, anyone could be a property manager. The Residential Tenancy Act 1986 (RTA) governing rental properties in New Zealand was vague and put the power in the hands of the landlord. There were no set qualifications or expertise required. This resulted in over 70% of rental properties in NZ being managed by the owners. In the past 20 years, due to market forces the proportion of New Zealanders who are renting has increased and is set to continue to increase as the demand for housing continues to rise. Many kiwis are now are facing the prospect of renting for life. In response, the government has sought to improve and increase the regulations around rental properties to ensure that every New Zealander has a warm safe house to live in. In 2017, the government passed the Health Homes Guarantee Act 2017 to develop and set standards for rental properties in New Zealand. This resulted in a set of standards that all rental properties must meet by certain deadlines. The first set of standards was around insulation that needed to be compliant by 1 July 2019. The next deadline is 2021 and there are further amendments already proposed. It’s no longer the domain of the unqualified and do-it-yourselfer. The knowledge and expertise required to provide legally compliant property management services is high. Our team are experts in property management who undertake continual professional development and have mentors and business coaches so that they are on top of all the changes going on.

innovative marketing

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We are experts at marketing. Getting the best tenant that meets the needs of the owner is the most important part of the job. This starts with marketing. The high demand for rentals is no excuse for poor marketing. We undertake a professional market appraisal of each property before creating an individual marketing strategy. Our expertise in social and digital marketing allows us to reach the greatest number of potential tenants for any property. The goal is a large number of good quality applications. We are

unique tenant selection

Scoring tenant applications is a science similar to lending money or recruiting staff. We have put a lot of time into creating a highly unique and effective means of scoring each tenant. We believe this tenant scoring process ensures the best possible tenants for our properties. We use all the standard measures including credit checks and references but we all use a data-driven multi-criteria decision making model to ensure the best tenant every time.

In touch with current Market prices

We make sure we understand your financial goals and we seek to help you achieve them. We undertake annual rent increases based on the supply and demand we are seeing everyday. Be certain we will be achieving the best results possible for you.

accuracy in administration

Property management is heavily process driven. We have step by step checklists for every part of the business to ensure complete and accurate business practises. Nothing falls through the gaps and we are careful to meet all legal requirements.

careful property maintenance

The biggest part of property management is maintenance and repairs. This starts with quarterly inspections that carefully documents every aspect of the house. We use registered tradespeople that provide top quality service at competitive rate.